Monday, February 25, 2013

Unit paper #1 Questions:

1. In this past unit the activity I was most proud of was my cheek cell lab.  I was able to get a spectacular view of my cheek cells and was able to identify the different organelles.  This was also my favorite lab.
2. In this unit I was able to understand the information about the hypotonic solutions, isotonic solutions and hypertonic.  They can get pretty confusing but I am confident I have them down now.
3. The actions I took to help enhance my learning was looking up different youtube videos to have some of the things explained further in detail for me.  I find videos extremely helpful.
4. I felt most connected in this unit when going over The Chemistry of Living Things. In chapter three I felt like i got a little lost at times but was able to catch up.
5. I honestly enjoy the way you teach and include videos with the discussions we have in class so I don't believe you should do anything different.  Maybe draw more diagrams on the board. BUT please keep power-points.

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