Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Heart Unit Paper Three

The Heart

As we all know the heart is the most important organ in our body.  It has several jobs and functions.  I chose the heart to do my unit paper on because I find the fact that it does so many different functions al at once extremely interesting, and this is a way for me to learn more on this organ. 

During find research on the heart I found some facts about the organ that caught my attention.  One of them was, “ a kitchen faucet would have to be turned on all the ay fro forty-five years to equal the amount of blood pumped by the heart in an average lifetime.” (36 interesting facts about the human heart.)  Another fact is the volume of blood pumped by the heart can vary over a range from five to thirty liters per minute.  Laughter is perfect medicine for the heart. “A good belly laugh can send 20% more blood flowing through your entire body. One study found that when people watched a funny movie, their blood flow increased. That’s why laughter might just be the perfect antidote to stress.” (Amazing Facts About Heart Health & Heart Disease.)

Just finding fact about the heart was interesting.  It is crazy to think about how our heart pumps blood to our entire body, and without this one special organ we would not live.  The heart is a very complex organ and I hope to learn everything I can about it in my lifetime.

Work Citation For Essay Three

Amazing Facts About Heart Health and Heart Disease
By: Stephanie Watson 2005

36 Interesting Facts about The Human Heart
By:  Random Facts on January 28, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that analogy about the faucet got my attention. Yikes! I appreciate you excellent paper, clear citations, feedback. Thanks!
